Update: Pardon My Dust

So I’ve been gone for quite a while. To make a long story short, my last semester at USC Upstate was so demanding that it made writing here impossible. Thankfully, I finally have my BA, I’ve started an editorial internship over at The Indie Chicks, and, after two months of postgraduate life, a new normal has begun to emerge. The big, wide world of professionalism is a lot scarier than I pictured it a year ago, but I’ve decided to grab it by the horns and run.

This means there’ll be a lot of changes coming to the blog, and many of them are rolling out this week. Be on the lookout for:

A Total Revamp

The publishing opportunities that have poured in this year have me somewhat regretting the things I posted here before. I feel that a lot of my essays and articles could have been pitched to other publishers instead of being posted here. I don’t regret writing them, or sharing them with you all, but I do regret not capitalizing on the opportunity to get my work out there on other people’s websites.

This is something I’ve been struggling with for a while: what to write for my blog and what to save for other publications. I’m planning to write a nice article on that in the future, because Google does not answer that question. If you’re an artist or a numismatist or anything other than a writer, it’s fairly easy to decide what to blog about and what to write about professionally. It wasn’t easy for me, however, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t easy for others, either.

So I’ve decided to revamp Kristian Wilson, Writing with a new, two posts/week schedule. I’ll be bringing you media reviews, how-to writing guides, and relevant link dumps on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning on 24 February.

All the old articles and essays will be placed in the Archive category for your reading pleasure. I have plans to pitch those articles to other publications, but if they’re going to disappear from here, I’ll be sure to link you to their new homes.

An Updated About Section

Let’s face it: my About section is pretty…shitty, and I can’t very well face-lift the rest of the site without updating and remodeling everything there. All this will be done by the re-launch next week, so I won’t be updating you to the exact changes in real time, but I will be covering all of the following:

  • About updated to reflect current experience and interests, with professional headshot* added
  • Bibliography updated upon new publication, separated into Writing and Editing credits
  • Services split into four pages–Writing, Editing, Tutoring, and Speaking–with appropriate pricing information on each
  • Contact page made more accessible

I’m looking forward to this new direction, and I hope you are too. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to drop them off in the comments section below. I always enjoy hearing from you. And remember: Kristian Wilson, Writing relaunches on 24 February 2015.

* Professional headshot may not be ready by relaunch on 24 February