Short Story Services

I offer critiques and editorial assessments of short fiction up to 10,000 words, as well as editing and proofreading services. For best results, I recommend doing at least one round of self-editing and proofreading before sending your work to me.

I am most comfortable reading science fiction, fantasy, and horror for adults. If your story is for children or teens, or does not fall under the SFF/H umbrella, please query first. For manuscripts greater than 10,000 words in length, visit the Novel & Novella Services page. No poetry, please.

Note: All prices are in USD. Listed lengths assume that critiques and editorial assessments will be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. This is how your critique or editorial assessment will be formatted unless otherwise requested.


A critique examines your story’s strengths and weaknesses in 1–2 pages. It offers some assessment of the piece’s quality but does not go into great detail. If you want my critique to focus on a specific aspect of your story, please indicate that in your initial email.

Critiques cost $5 (up to 7,500 words) or $10 (7,501–10,000 words).

Editorial Assessments

An editorial assessment summarizes the story’s plot and offers a detailed analysis of voice and tone, narrative structure, characterization, imagery, readability, and major themes. It will also include suggestions for crafting accurate trigger warnings, if applicable. Lengths of editorial assessments may vary, but they are always longer than critiques. If you want me to focus my attention on a specific aspect of your story, please indicate that in your initial email.

Editorial assessments cost $15 (up to 7,500 words) or $20 (7,501–10,000 words).

Line Edits

When I do a line edit, I use Track Changes in Word to record my thoughts, questions, and suggestions. I offer strategies to improve readability and emotional engagement. Line edits highlight inconsistencies, redundancies, clunky sentences, and other narrative problems, as well as places where your writing delights and intrigues me. Each line edit includes one additional pass of your revised story.

Line edits cost $35 for stories up to 10,000 words in length.

For $5, I will complete a sample line edit that assesses the first page of your story. I strongly recommend this option for first-time clients.


This form of editing checks a text for surface-level problems, such as spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors. It does not make suggestions for rewriting sentences or restructuring your work.

Proofreading costs $15 for stories up to 10,000 words in length.

Contact Me

To query or hire me, email kristianediting [AT] gmail [DOT] com with “SHORT STORY” in the subject line. Attach your story as a .docx file and include the following information in the body of the email:

  • your name
  • your PayPal email address
  • the specific services you’re requesting
  • the title of your story
  • the genre/subgenre of the piece
  • the word count, rounded up to the nearest 100
  • a brief paragraph detailing your biggest concern about the piece

You may request more than one service per story, but I ask that you query for only one short story at a time.

Billing & Turnaround

I endeavor to respond to all emails within 2 business days. My response will indicate whether I intend to take you on as a client or not.* It will also include any additional questions I may have for you.

Invoices will be sent via PayPal. Payment is due, in full, before services are rendered. I will not read your story before receiving payment.

The turnaround time for all services on this page is 3 days. Need it quicker? I am occasionally available to do rush orders for an additional fee. If you’re interested, include your preferred return date in your email, and I’ll see what I can do.

If a problem arises that prevents me from completing your work on time, I will refund your payment in full. I do not offer refunds for completed services or cancellations.

* Emailing me does not entitle you to my services. I take on clients who are respectful and kind. I will not critique or edit works that are openly and uncritically racist, misogynistic, queerphobic, eugenicist, antisemitic, anti-Romani, or otherwise bigoted. I will not critique or edit works produced using AI. I will critique or edit works that contain violence, gore, and sexual content. You do not need to add trigger warnings to your piece.