Now on Drabblecast: “Those Who Forget and Those Who Perish”

Back in 2022, Seize the Press! published my first horror story, “Those Who Forget and Those Who Perish.” It’s a short number, but one that got me my first award nod: a nomination for the inaugural Brave New Weird Award. Today, I’m happy to tell you that there’s now an audio version of this twisted little piece up on Drabblecast.

Click here to listen to “Those Who Forget and Those Who Perish” on Drabblecast.

The horse-girls are near and dear to my dark heart, so please hop over there, check out Steve Lillie’s awesome cover art for “Those Who Forget and Those Who Perish,” and give the podcast a listen. You won’t regret it… well, unless you’re squeamish.
