After dropping off the map last June, weekly updates are back! Tune in to the Updates category each Monday morning for a re-cap of every article I published the week before. Continue reading
Category: Updates
UPDATE: All Posts 12 – 20 June 2015
This was a stressful week, hence why I deviated from my normal posting schedule. I think I managed to bring out some pretty cool material, though, and I hope you enjoyed it. If you missed anything, here it is again.
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UPDATE: All Posts from 7 – 11 June 2015
I’m really starting to enjoy these busy weeks. Wednesday was particularly exciting. Not only did I start my new job at Bustle, but my former professor emailed me to say that our presentation on a digitized archive of information on the imagist poet H.D. was accepted into the H.D. and Feminist Poetics conference being held at Lehigh University in September. You can now view my GoFundMe campaign in the sidebar. Continue reading
UPDATE: All Posts from 31 May – 6 June 2015
This was another productive and exciting week for me. I signed paperwork to write for another magazine (I’m not naming names just yet, but look for a new publication to pop up on the Bib next week.) and wrote two articles for LadyClever, one of which hasn’t gone off yet. That last part is Kind of a Big Deal, since I’m only contracted to write one per week, so I’ve got my fingers crossed it will lead to more work in the future. Continue reading
UPDATE: All Posts from 24 – 30 May 2015
This has been a busy week, but I think my workload has given me a natural high. I just started the Journalism Training Program (JTP) with GameSkinny on Tuesday, so getting to write a lot more about video games might have something to with it. My editing service business is also really starting to take off, and that’s exciting, too. Continue reading