After watching Predestination, I knew I wanted to read “All You Zombies.” That I am not a fan of Robert A. Heinlein is well-documented. However, the film’s plot — which was knit together in classic science fiction style — drew me to the author for another go. Continue reading
Tag: robert a. heinlein
Starship Troopers: A Review
IĀ suppose it bears confessing: I’ve never been a huge fan of Robert A. Heinlein‘s work. I attempted Starship Troopers several years ago and – due to a complete lack of connection with either characters or story – was unable to complete it. I thought something must be wrong with me. I’ve always been a sci-fi fan, and Heinlein is well-respected in the genre. But for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy Starship Troopers. Continue reading