books to reread after college

13 Books to Reread after College

According to data gathered in 2014, 42% of college students will not read another book after graduation. Now, graduating from college is terrifying, because it’s like getting pushed out of a nest: you’ve got to fly, but you don’t know how, and you have to make progress to stay afloat. Progress = growth, and one of the easiest ways to make it is to read. Sure, you could watch a TED talk or learn a third language, but think about how many books are out there: books to read, books to reread, books to say you’ve read. Okay, maybe not that last one. Continue reading

starship troopers robert a heinlein

Starship Troopers: A Review

Starship TroopersI suppose it bears confessing: I’ve never been a huge fan of Robert A. Heinlein‘s work. I attempted Starship Troopers several years ago and – due to a complete lack of connection with either characters or story – was unable to complete it. I thought something must be wrong with me. I’ve always been a sci-fi fan, and Heinlein is well-respected in the genre. But for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy Starship Troopers. Continue reading

not that kind of girl lena dunham

Not That Kind of Girl: A Review

Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She's There are a lot of reasons why some critics panned Lena Dunham‘s Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She’s “Learned”, and most of those reasons were prejudiced. Of the negative reviews I have read, 80% – a conservative estimate – have been blatantly sexist and/or ableist; the other 20% were written by people who had similarly negative feelings regarding Dunham’s film and television work. So let me make this perfectly clear: if you do not like Girls, you will not like Not That Kind of Girl. Continue reading

giovanni's room

Hitler and Nazi Germany: A Review

Hitler and Nazi Germany: A History

Jackson J. Spielvogel’s Hitler and Nazi Germany A History is an excellent text, covering nearly seventy-five years of German history in approximately three hundred pages. Stretching from Germany’s beginnings as a unified nation in 1871 to its surrender to the Allies on 7 May 1945, the text provides a look at aspects of the country’s history and culture which is shockingly detailed, given its brevity. Take, for example, this passage on Nazi artwork— Continue reading